Instance Type


You can specify the instance types for Notebook / Training job / HTTP Services. There are two types of instance types, CPU/GPU.

Not all instance types can be used in Notebook / Training job / HTTP Services, and the instance types that can be selected are different.

Instance type of CPU

name cpu memory (MB) 1
cpu-0.25 0.25 1,024
cpu-1 1 4,096
cpu-2 2 8,192
cpu-4 4 16,384
cpu-8 8 32,768

Instance type of GPU

name cpu memory (MB) 1 gpu gpu model
gpu-1 4 61,000 1 NVIDIA TESLA T4
gpu:a-1 4 61,000 1 NVIDIA TESLA T4
gpu:b-1 8 61,000 1 NVIDIA TESLA V100
gpu:b-4 32 244,000 4 NVIDIA TESLA V100
gpu:b-8 64 488,000 8 NVIDIA TESLA V100

  1. This value is for reference only, and may actually be less than the listed value. [return]