

Download file from datalake and save to specify directly on the local area。


$ abeja datalake download [--help]
Usage: abeja datalake download [OPTIONS]

  Download files

  -c, --channel_id TEXT   Channel identifier  [required]
  -o, --output_path TEXT  Output directory path  [required]
  -f, --file_id TEXT      File identifier NOTE: This argument is mutually
                          exclusive with  arguments: [start, end].
  -s, --start DATESTRING  Start date NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive
                          with  arguments: [file_id].
  -e, --end DATESTRING    End date NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive
                          with  arguments: [file_id].
  --dry-run, --dry_run    Dry run, only shows upload candidate files
  --file-name [id|name]   Defines the output file's name type; [id|name].
  --skip-duplicate-files  Don't download file if the file whose name is same
                          already exists in output directory path.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


-c, --channel_id

Specify channel_id of datalake which you want to download

-o, --output_path

Specify the relative path or absolute path directly to store the downloaded files

-f, --file_id

Specify file_id which you want to download. Available to select multiply.

-s, --start

Can download the files which has been uploaded after the date you specified. A format will be ”YYYYMMDD” format (Sample:“20170329”) and you need to use --end option with this command. It cannot be combied with --file_id option

-e, --end

Can download the files which has been uploaded after the date you specified. A format will be ”YYYYMMDD” (Sample:“20170329”) and you need to use --start option with this command. And this option cannot be combined with --file_id option

--dry-run, --dry_run

You can see the FILE_ID list is expected downloading. Actual download will not be performed in case of using this option.

--file-name [name|id]

This option is specifying the file name format. file name(--file-name=name) or file ID(--file-name=id) to specify it. It will be saved just file name if not specified.


This option does not download the file if the same file name already exists in the output directory path.


Download by specifying FILE_ID


$ abeja datalake download --channel_id 1234567890123 \
                          --output_path ./download_dir \
                          --file_id 20171204T025103-86c30036-78c9-4c97-ba34-05e42cacf382 \
                          --file_id 20171204T025103-3b71676e-8f66-4228-b390-9edd20b4149e

Download by filtered duration


$ abeja datalake download --channel_id 1234567890123 --start 20171203 --end 20171204 --output_path ./download_dir