

Refer to the dataset items information. When dataset_item_id is specified, you will get the specified dataset item, and when dataset_item_id is not specified, you will get a list of dataset items.


$ abeja dataset describe-dataset-items --help
Usage: abeja dataset describe-dataset-items [OPTIONS]

  Describe dataset items

  -d, --dataset_id, --dataset-id TEXT
                                  Dataset id  [required]
  -i, --dataset_item_id, --dataset-item-id TEXT
                                  Dataset item id
  -q TEXT                         query to filter the result. i.e.
                                  q=label_id:1 AND tag:v1
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


-d, --dataset_id

Specify the dataset ID which the dataset item to get information belongs to. (Required)

-i, --dataset_item_id

Specify the dataset item ID to get information


You can search by the information given to the dataset item, and you can get the dataset item list that matches the specified condition. Condition that can be specified are registered label_id and tag. Search with AND and OR operator are possible. (Example: To get a list of files with label_id set to 1 and tag set to v1, specify q=label_id:1 AND tag:v1)


Get a list of dataset items.

Get a list of dataset items for specified dataset ID.


$ abeja dataset describe-dataset-items --dataset_id XXXXXXXXXXXX 

Get dataset item information.

Get information about the specified dataset item.


$ abeja dataset describe-dataset-items --dataset_id XXXXXXXXXXXX --dataset_item_id YYYYYYYYY